Our Services

Foot Care Services
Nail care services
Skin care services
Treatments for a wide range of foot care needs, including but not limited to: callouses & corns, ingrown toenails, fungal nails, athlete's foot, plantar fasciitis, warts & more

State-of-the-art 3D laser casting technique
Custom-made to feet and shoes
Biomechanical Assessment & Gait Analysis performed by our Chiropodists
Perfect for those who are dealing with, back pain, plantar fasciitis pain, joint pain & more

Compression Stockings
Increases circulation
Prevents fluid retention/edema in the feet & legs
Medical grade compression
Large variety of styles & colours available
Perfect for those who are on their feet all day, travelling, pregnant, those with vein issues & more

Gentle pressure applied to pressure points
Increases circulation
Boosts immune system
Relieves stress and tension
Eases arthritis pain